To Save Red - Conclusion - By Nibblix

Authors note: Snowstalker is Wes Whitten's character and Snowblaze is the property of Snowblaze. Nibblix, Slasher Red, Tracker and Rodimus Primal are my characters. The rest belong to Hasbro and Main Frame. Enjoy. :)


Nibblix hamster works for hours in her lab, a thought enters her mind. Why was Rodimus Primal acting nasty towards Dinobot and why did Rodimus Primal sacrifice himself to save him? It does not make sense. Nibblix gets fed up with the annoying questions in her head. She pauses what she is doing to learn answers.

Tracker spots his love running out of the lab, "Nibs, what is distressing you? I want to assist you if you need it." Nibblix looks up at her mate, "Tracker, can you fly me to the location I was earlier? There is something really bothering me about Rodimus Primal's death and I intend to find answers." Tracker transforms into his wolf/eagle form, "Climb on my lady and I will get you there." Nibblix smiles since Tracker is eager to please her.


Inferno watches Tracker fly out of the Axalon with Nibblix. "Great, I will be able to destroy Red's spark like the Royalty ordered." The fire ant sneaks into the Axalon while Sentinal is down. Inferno enters the lab and spots Slasher Red's spark. "Muah, ha, ha, ha, Maximal you shall BURN!"

Rhinox and Rattrap enter the lab. Rattrap aims his weapon at Inferno, "No you are not going to kill Slasher Red's spark. Nibblix figured some foolish Predacon would show up and you know she was right. Back off Inferno." Inferno glares at Rattrap, "Foolish Maximal, you shall BURN then!" Inferno fires his flame thrower at Rattrap. Rattrap dives for cover and fires a few rounds at Inferno.

Rhinox open fires at Inferno with his machine gun. The fire ant laughs insanely while trying to toast Rhinox. Inferno is enjoying this battle.

Airazor enters the lab she fires a few of her claw darts when she spots Inferno. Inferno's flame thrower falls and so does he unconscious.

Rhinox, Rattrap and Airazor sigh with relief when the crazy fire ant falls. Rattrap looks up at Rhinox, "Big Green, can you lock up our crazy guest in the detention block?" Rhinox lifts Inferno by the throat with one hand and carries him out of the lab and into the detention block of the Axalon.

Rattrap and Airazor return to the Command Center.


Meanwhile in the Arctic, Tarantulas and Blackarachnia steal the necessary metal to save Slasher Red's life. They beat Snowstalker and Snowblaze to the location. The spiders laugh evilly because that was easy. Snowstalker and Snowblaze stalk the spiders. They knew that Tarantulas would meddle with their rescue efforts.

Snowstalker and Snowblaze roar at the two spiders. "Predacons you have what we want. Hand the metal over now!", says Snowy and Snowstalker. Tarantulas and Blackarachnia transform. "We cannot allow you to stop us Minimals.", Tarantulas says with a scowl. Blackarachnia open fires at the two Maximals. Snowblaze leaps into the air and swoops down at the spiders. She smacks Tarantulas on the head with her sharp claws. Tarantulas screams in pain, he drops the container that has the rare metal in it.

Snowstalker diverts Blackarachnia away from the site. Blackarachnia keeps firing her ammonition until she is out of it. Blackarachnia is forced to return to spider form when she suffers a power surge. Blackarachnia retreats since she is in no condition to fight.

Snowblaze grabs the steel container that has the rare metal and takes to the skies. "Snowstalker, I am rushing back to the Axalon with the supplies. Can you deal with Tarantulas?" Tarantulas tries to shoot venom at Snowblaze and misses. Tarantulas transforms back to spider form and retreats. "Minimals, you shall pay dearly for this.", he says while retreating. Snowstalker watches the retreating spiders. She gives a victory roar.


Tracker lands softly at the coordinates Nibblix gave to him. "We are here my lady." Nibblix smiles and vaults off Tracker's back. She returns to beast mode and starts digging where Rodimus Primal is buried. Tracker helps his mate out. Tracker pulls Rodimus Primal out of the dirt. Nibblix uses her scanner on him. It beeps wildly because her hunch was right. He is gone but the body needs a spark for it to live. The blank protoform is the very thing she needs to save Slasher Red.

"Tracker please fly to base fast with this protoform. I do not want to lose it, this is the one chance I have to save Slasher's life." Tracker transforms into robot mode and flies back to the Axalon carrying the blank protoform. Nibblix spots Snowblaze flying by carrying a storage container. "Excellent, Snowstalker and Snowblaze succeeded in their mission. I just have to do my part." Nibblix scurries back to the Axalon.


Nibblix arrives at the Axalon tired. She has spent many hours without recharge doing all she can to save her friend's life. Nibblix enters her lab and notices Rodimus Primal's body on her examination table. She quickly sips some energon before studying Rodimus.

Rhinox enters the lab, "Nibblix, I have started repairs on Dinobot. I need to use the rare metal Snowblaze has to save his life, can I use it?" Nibblix looks up, "Yes you may Rhinox, I think I know how to save Slasher Red. I no longer need the metal." Rhinox nods then leaves the lab to start work on Dinobot.


Nibblix turns her scanners on. The protoform is surviving well on the life support system. Nibblix learns the truth, the protoform was sent into stasis before Rodimus Primal died. Rodimus did this so Slasher Red could inhabit the protoform. Nibblix does modifications to the form to make it more feminine.

The body adjusts to the changes. Nibblix quickly transports Slasher Red's spark into the modified protoform. Nibblix keeps her fingers crossed. Slasher Red's optics turn on then dim. Nibblix sighs with relief because Slasher Red has gone into normal stasis lock. Nibblix rushes her friend to the CR Chamber.


Slasher Red is in the CR Chamber for ten cycles before being released. Optimus Primal and the other Maximals watch anxiously as Nibblix opens the CR Chamber. They are ready for anything.

Slasher Red wakes up and yawns in fox form. She looks up at her friends, "Hi everyone, thankyou for not giving up on me." Slasher Red Maximizes into a beautiful warrior. She looks nothing like Rodimus Primal. Slasher Red has a light orange face with bright blue optics. Her main body is red. Her tail becomes a whip and she carries a sword and side arm. Red smiles at her friends.

"How do you feel Red?", asks Optimus Primal. Red looks up at her leader, "I feel how should I put it? Prime!" Nibblix and the others are impressed at how good natured Slasher Red has become.

Slasher Red realizes that Rhinox and Dinobot are not present, "Optimus, where is Rhinox and Dinobot?" Optimus Primal looks Slasher Red in the optics, "Rhinox is busy repairing Dinobot. Dinobot got fatally injured while helping Nibblix find materials needed to save you. I am not sure if he is going to make it. Rhinox is really worried about him."


Slasher Red holds back tears and runs non stop all the way to Rhinox's lab. Slasher quietly enters the room so not to startle Rhinox. Slasher Red spots Rhinox connecting wires onto Dinobot. She blinks back tears since Optimus Primal was right about Dinobot being in bad shape.

Rhinox spots Slasher Red, "Do not worry Red, I am going to save your mate. I have already started to build Dinobot a new exoskeleton. He will be many times stronger and faster than before." Slasher Red kisses Dinobot on the cheek before leaving to enter her quarters. Dinobot could sense his mate alive and well. He fights to stay alive.


Rhinox spends many cycles working on the new body he is creating for Dinobot. The body is all metal and can withstand the power fluxuations on the planet. Rhinox grins because Dinobot will be able to withstand battles longer than the average Maximal. He tests the beast mode out with remote control. The metallic raptor body runs fast and can leap high.

Nibblix barely misses getting her head cut off by Dinobot's killer claws. "Rhinox, watch what you are doing. I almost became hamster a la glasse." Rhinox puts the remote control away feeling rather foolish. "Sorry about that Nibs, I was only testing Dinobot's new form out."

Nibblix tries to maintain a straight face but gives up since she is dealing with Rhinox. "Rhinox, I know you are eager to see Dinobot in action. Couldn't you wait until he is actually transferred to the new body?" Rhinox does a few more tests on Dinobot. He has Dinobot transform into robot mode. Nibblix has to whistle because Dinobot is taller in his new form not to mention nastier looking. She notices the left optic has a device. "Rhinox, what is that device on Dinobot's head?" Rhinox grins, "It is a special tracking device I added to help Dinobot track Predacon activities. It doubles as a mini laser." Nibblix just shakes her head, "I hope Dinobot accepts this new form. You know how excitable he can get."


Slasher Red enters Rhinox's lab. "You wanted me present?" Rhinox smiles at Red, "Slasher Red, I wanted you to be the first Maximal next to Nibblix to witness Dinobot's return." Rhinox hits a panel on the wall and Dinobot's spark transfers into the new body. Dinobot slowly reactivates, he looks up at Slasher Red and smiles at the beautiful Maximal.

Nibblix speaks, "Hi Dinobot, I am glad to see you better. How do you feel in your newly repaired body?" Dinobot sits up in his new form. He notices right away that he has been changed radically. "By the pit, what have you done to my body? I look like a monster!" Slasher Red quickly hugs Dinobot to calm him down. "Dinobot, your other body was beyond repair and we wanted to save you. You are still the same Dinobot with different make up." Dinobot growls in frustration, "You should have let me die at least I would have been with Slasher Red." Dinobot's remark hurts Nibblix and Rhinox a little. Slasher Red growls and pins Dinobot onto his back.

Slasher Red glares into Dinobot's optics, "Dinobot, you are being an ungrateful pup. I am Slasher Red. Nibblix saved my life and Rhinox saved your's. Until you accept the facts, I refuse to stay with you." Dinobot grabs Red by the wrist, "You are Red, sorry that I yelled at you, Rhinox and Nibblix. You love me even though I am this?" He points to his new body. Slasher Red answers Dinobot with a kiss on the lips.

Rhinox and Nibblix leave the lab so Dinobot and Slasher Red can have some privacy. Nibblix looks up at Rhinox, "Do you think that Dinobot and Red will adjust to this change?" Nibblix gets her answer when she hears Dinobot and Slasher Red laughing hard. Rhinox answers Nibs, "Yes, I believe those two are going to have a speedy recovery."


In the early evening Dinobot and Slasher Red sit on a hill overlooking the forest. Dinobot stands tall in his raptor mode and smiles, "I could get used to this new form easilly. Do you like me even though I am in this new form, Red?" Slasher Red looks deeply into Dinobot's optics, "I love you the way you are. You could be many other forms. The true love is what is underneath." Dinobot growls softly before wrestling with Red. He manages to pin her down and kiss her.
